The Floor Collection - home of Engineered Flooring, Luxury Vinyl Flooring, Solid Wood Flooring and Laminate Flooring

Delivery information

The Floor Collection Ltd. - Delivery Information 2023

Charges for delivery are listed on each product page.

Charges may vary within the UK and Islands, your delivery cost will be confirmed on your invoice.

All deliveries must be received and signed for by a person over the age of 18.

Delivery in the UK shall be made ‘Kerbside’, the buyer or third party as appropriate is responsible for moving Goods from the ‘Kerbside’ into the end-customer’s property where the Goods will be installed.

Full delivery information, are all subject to the manufacturer’s individual Delivery Procedures. (For further detailed information, please see below).


  1. All Goods are offered subject to not being sold on receipt of order, but on the basis of the sale being effected on acceptance by Company of the order. Buyer shall not be entitled to cancel any order following acceptance of such order by Company in accordance with this clause.

  2. Company will not be liable for any loss, damage or expense of whatsoever nature and howsoever caused arising out of the failure of Company (whether due to non-Delivery, late Delivery, or otherwise) to fulfil and contract with Buyer, unless such loss, or damage, or expense arises as a result of any neglect or omission by Company alone.

  3. Without prejudice to the generality of the provisions of clause 5.3 above, Company will not entertain any claim for non-Delivery unless written notification of non-receipt is received by Company within 7 (seven) days of the date of the sending of Goods by Company.

  4. In the event that Company accepts return of Goods ordered incorrectly by Buyer, Company may, at its unfettered discretion, make a reasonable charge for all expenses incurred as a result of Company thus accepting the return and Buyer will pay such charge.

  5. Unless otherwise expressly agreed, time for Delivery of Goods shall not be of the essence; Buyer shall not be entitled to cancel the order for late Delivery or non-Delivery, unless at the date of the order for Goods Buyer had given Company notice in writing of Buyer’s intention so to cancel in the event that Goods were not delivered within the period proposed by Company for Delivery.

  6. Company shall have no liability to Buyer for any failure or delay in Delivery where such failure is caused by Buyer’s own failure/delay or if Buyer has failed to provide Company with a correct or accurate address for Delivery.

  7. If Buyer fails or delays to take Delivery of the Goods (or fails or delays to collect them if collection has been arranged), save where the failure or delay has been wholly caused by Company’s own failure to comply with its obligations under the relevant Agreement, Delivery shall be deemed to have taken place at 0900 on the agreed Delivery date and risk and responsibility for the Goods shall pass to Buyer at that time on such deemed date. Until Delivery takes place, Company shall store the Goods at the cost and expense (including but limited to storage charges and insurance) of Buyer. If Buyer fails to accept Delivery within 4 weeks of the Delivery date, Company may resell to any third party or otherwise dispose of the Goods without liability to Buyer.

  8. Buyer may not reject the Goods if Company delivers the Goods with a +/- 5% excess/shortfall with respect to the quantity of Goods items ordered.

  9. Company may deliver Goods by instalments which shall be invoiced and paid for separately. Each instalment shall constitute a separate Agreement. Any delay, defect or shortfall in any instalment shall not entitle Buyer to reject any other instalment.

  10. The type and quantity of Goods recorded by Company for despatch to Buyer shall be conclusive of the type and quantity of Goods delivered to Buyer save that Buyer is solely responsible that the Goods are correctly as ordered before laying installing them.

  11. Company in its sole discretion may allow Buyer to return the Goods after Delivery on condition (a) that the Goods have not been removed from their packaging or have been in any way modified, altered, installed or otherwise reduced to a condition whereby they are not saleable in the reasonable opinion of Company; (b) the Goods are not Bespoke Goods as defined in clause 9; (c) the Goods are returned at Buyer’s cost and expense within 30 days of the date of Delivery; and (d) Buyer pays to Company a re-stocking fee, of 20% of the total price of the Goods returned.

  12. Under no circumstances whatsoever shall Company’s liability under an Agreement exceed the invoice price of the particular Goods forming the subject of the claim, except in so far as Buyer, prior to the conclusion of such Agreement, has given to Company notice in writing of any factors showing clearly that such liability would exceed the invoice price and provided also that Company had accepted this in writing.

  13. Delivery in the UK shall be made as follows:-i) Delivery is “kerbside”, thus Buyer (or end–customer of Goods or other third party as appropriate) is responsible for moving Goods from the “kerbside” into the end–customer’s property where the Goods will be installed.ii) For the avoidance of doubt, the responsibility of Buyer extends also to arranging to have Goods brought up any stairs, whether leading to and / or inside the end-customer’s property; Company may be able to provide assistance in this regard, but Company is not obliged so to do and the risk assessment in each case is at the sole and ultimate discretion of Company’s driver or courier.iii) As deliveries are made by a single driver; such driver will often require assistance to unload large and/or heavy items of Goods; therefore, in the event that such assistance will not be available, Buyer is required to specify this unavailability at the time of placing the order for Goods, in which event Company may require to levy an additional charge for providing the driver with necessary assistance.iv) In relation to any of the foregoing circumstances, subject to clause 5.8(iii) and for avoidance of doubt, Buyer must ensure that adequate assistance, equipment and personnel are available to unload and move the Goods following Delivery.


  1. Ordering ahead of installation also gives you plenty of time to successfully receive Goods as courier deliveries can never be completely guaranteed.

  2. Carriers – UK shipping is usually with DPD. Larger orders may be palletised, and sent with Palletways, Pallex, or their agents.

  3. Your delivery date is confirmed once we have processed your order. Standard UK delivery is anywhere between 09:00 and 17:00 hrs, although delivery may be attempted outside of these hours in busy periods.

  4. We MUST be informed in advance if there is anything which may affect delivery and possibly result in a failed delivery.


To avoid unnecessary charges, and ensure a smooth delivery process, please adhere to the below:

  • Deliveries can be made on trucks up to 18 tonne and it is assumed that the delivery address will be accessible. Customers must inform the company of any access issues at the time of placing the order. Such issues can include road size, parking, vehicle access issues and other off-loading restrictions but please note this list is not exhaustive.

  • Delivery of flooring is to kerbside so the customer must provide labour to move it into the premises. For larger orders, where an on-site forklift is not available, labour is also required for offloading.

  • If the customer’s order arrives as arranged but the delivery fails because the goods are refused, nobody is at home, or there is inadequate help to unload, then the customer will be held liable for the additional haulage costs.

  • The goods will not be left without signature by the customer, or a responsible/nominated adult selected by the customer. The customer must take care opening the product so as not to damage the goods with sharp instruments.

  • On delivery the customer must check that all delivered goods are as expected. Goods sent incorrectly will be collected at no extra cost to the customer if they are packaged in the original packaging and in good saleable condition.

  • Deliveries can be made anytime between 09:00 and 17:00 so there must be someone to accept Goods else this will result in a failed delivery.


    Although all our deliveries are made by reputable companies all delivery firms experience occasional problems which may result in a delay to your order. We recommend that you take delivery and check your flooring prior to finalising fitting arrangements. Please note that we are not responsible for any consequential loss or damages caused by any delays.

    To re-iterate it is always best to order your floor ahead of scheduled fitting in case of delivery problems.

    Delivery charges for delayed deliveries are non-refundable unless we failed to despatch your order on time in which case, we may partially refund your delivery charges at our sole discretion.

    • The Company shall not be held liable for any short delivery of Goods unless written notice is given to the Company within 2 Working Days from the delivery of the remaining Goods. Missing items should be clearly marked on the relevant POD and handed back to the driver.

    • If the delivery note is signed by, or on behalf of the Buyer, Goods shall be presumed to be accepted.

    • If the delivery note is signed, damages and missing goods should be clearly marked on the POD and handed back to the driver

      at the time of delivery.

    • If you are unfortunate enough to receive a damaged or missing item, do make sure it is noted on the courier’s paperwork. No

      claims for damaged or missing items can be claimed once the courier has left the delivery address unless signed as such.

    • Company recommends that the customer follows all health and safety guidelines on the packaging and any other instructions

      relating to the installation of goods. If the customer is unsure about how to install or use the goods, then they should seek advice from a professional floor fitter or appropriate professional.

    • Company will NOT accept claims for faulty, mis-described, or faulty products once the flooring has been installed.

    • Where the Buyer or Fitter / Flooring Contractor has used or installed the floor such use or installation shall be taken as

      conclusive evidence that the buyer has accepted that the goods are in perfect condition.

    • Company will not accept responsibility for any claims that are the result of incorrect use or fitting of any goods supplied.

      You must accept full responsibility for the suitability of the goods ordered and that they are fit for purpose


  1. Delivery dates or times mentioned on product delivery information or acknowledgement of order or elsewhere are approximate and not of contractual effect and we shall not be liable to you for any failure to deliver on any particular date or dates, or at any particular time, nor shall time be made of the essence by you giving us notice.

  2. Delivery will occur when you take possession of the goods or when the goods are ready for unloading at the delivery address.

  3. Where we, or our agents, deliver to site it is on the understanding that there is a suitable road to the point on the site where delivery is requested. If no such road exists delivery will be made to the nearest point to which, in the opinion of the driver, the vehicle can safely proceed and unload. Deliveries are to the kerbside only. You will provide all necessary labour and equipment required to unload materials promptly and will indemnify us against any cost, claim, loss or damage arising from unloading and or delivery save insofar as such claims, costs, losses or expenses relate to liability for death or personal injury.

  4. If you keep our delivery vehicle waiting for an unreasonable period of time or if we are obliged to return without affecting delivery a justifiable additional charge may be made that reflects the additional cost to us.

  5. If you refuse or fail to take delivery of goods tendered in accordance with your order or we are unable to deliver the goods because you have not provided appropriate instructions you shall pay us any additional costs or carriage incurred by us.

  6. All deliveries must be received and signed for by a person over the age of 18.

  7. The responsibility of the goods shall pass to you upon delivery.

  8. If we fail to deliver within a reasonable time, you may (by informing us in writing) cancel the contract.

  9. You may not cancel if we receive your notice after the goods have been dispatched and If you cancel the contract, you can have no further claim against us under that contract.

  10. If you accept delivery of the goods after the estimated delivery time, it will be on the basis that you have no claim against us for delay (including indirect or consequential loss or increase in the price of the goods).

  11. All deliveries are to kerbside only.

  12. Deliveries requested to be ‘Morning/AM’ deliveries will be subject up to a £15.00 surcharge.

  13. Deliveries where a forklift cannot be provided and therefore will need to be removed by the customer by hand, will be subject up to a £30.00 surcharge.

  14. Any deliveries that are either damaged or not containing the correct quantity of goods must be signed as such on the POD. We must then be notified in writing with a copy of the POD within two days (via email). If this is not adhered to no claim will be entertained by us.

  15. Settlement of any claim will be limited to the value of the goods.

  16. Credit damages cannot be issued, in certain cases, until goods have been returned to us.

  17. You will be solely responsible for the disposal of any waste arising from the goods and will comply with all applicable laws, regulations and waste management licences relating to such waste.

  18. You will indemnify us against all costs, claims, liabilities and expenses incurred by us arising from or in connection with any breach by you of this clause.